середа, 11 квітня 2018 р.

Для групи 37е!

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Sports in Ukraine

Beginning in the 19th century, sports in Ukraine as wrestling, football and several other sports have attained immense popularity in Ukraine. The interest and attention placed by the Soviet Union towards physical education have proven to be very advantageous to the country. By the time Soviet Union ceased to exist, numerous gymnasiums, swimming pools, stadiums and other kinds of sports centers had already been established within Ukraine.

Football in Ukraine (Sports in Ukraine)…

Football is the most played and most famous sport among Ukrainians. Vyscha Liha or Ukrainian Premier League is the country’s most significant football league. The Ukrainian First League or Persha Liha ranks second among the Ukrainian leagues. Druha Liga or the Second League is Ukraine’s second most important league. This league is divided into the West (A) and East (B) groups. The Amateur Level is the country’s fourth-level league.
After a football season ends, the two worst performing teams in the Ukrainian Premier League are demoted to the Ukrainian First League while the Ukrainian First League’s two best performing teams are transferred to the Ukrainian Premier League. The two lowest teams in the Ukrainian First League are transferred towards the Second League while the two most successful teams in the Second League are moved to the Ukrainian First League. The football teams gain one point for every draw and three points for every game that they win. Their score is not changed by a defeat. Every single team plays all the other football teams in the league twice.
Teams falling under any league may become participants of the Ukrainian Cup. The victors from the Ukrainian Cup and the Ukrainian Championship are the only ones who can participate in the Ukrainian Super Cup.
Andriy Shevchenko is a globally renowned Ukrainian football athlete. Ukraine views him as a national hero.
Poland and Ukraine hosted the 2012 UEFA European Football Championship.

Ukrainian Basketball…

Aside from football, the Ukrainians consider basketball as their most dominant sport. Basketball players coming from Ukraine were among the most important reasons why the national basketball team of USSR became immensely successful and why it even conquered the entire European and even worldwide basketball scenes. The most popular basketball players in Ukraine include Alexander Anatolyevich Volkov, Anatoli Polivoda, Vladimir Tkachenko and Alexander Belostenny. BC Kyiv has successfully qualified for the FIBA EuroCup finals in 2005 while BC Azovmash accomplished the same feat in 2007. Both Ukrainian basketball club teams have attained widespread attention.
The Ukrainian national basketball team has already become an established name among the elite European teams. The country has a good chance of winning the 2015 European Basketball Championship.
Basketball became even more popular in Ukraine after it was officially confirmed in 2012 that the country will host the 2015 European Championship. Odessa, Lions, Kyiv, Kharkiv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Dnepropetrovsk and Donetsk will serve as the host cities.
Ukraine will repair some arenas for the much awaited sporting event. The major event has “We are ready!” as its slogan. Such a tag line, matches perfectly Ukraine’s experience with respect to the handling of massive sporting events. The Ukrainian Basketball Foundation President, Oleksandr Volkov, emphasized Ukraine’s very positive experience in hosting football championships. Ukraine was selected mainly because of the quality of its athletic infrastructure throughout the country.
Viktor Yanukovych, Ukraine’s president, decreed on February 2012 the establishment of an organizing committee that will handle the preparation and holding of 2015 European Basketball Championship in Ukraine. Mykola Azarov, Ukraine’s prime minister, is the leader of the said committee.
The preparations conducted for the 2012 European Football Championship involved the construction of airports, hotels, major roads and other vital structures that will also be used for the 2015 European Basketball Championship.
It can be said with the greatest of confidence that the teams participating in the country’s basketball league, are capable of participating in the European Cup basketball championship. The Ukrainian Basketball Super League is the most important basketball league in the country. Vyscha Liha is Ukraine’s next top league while Persha Liha is acknowledged to be the next mightiest league.

неділя, 4 лютого 2018 р.

05 лютого 2018 для групи 34кп!

  Прочитати, зробити переклад та виписати нові слова.                      

My Favourite Profession

As a child, each of us wants to become a cosmonaut, an ice-cream seller, an animal trainer or a chauffeur. Whenever we visit the zoo, we want to become zookeepers or vets. When we go to the circus, we imagine ourselves being animal trainers or acrobats. When we visit the amusement park, we want to become balloon sellers. However, when we grow up, our plans rapidly change. At the moment I’m a secondary school student and my dream profession is an architect. My choice has been influenced by several factors. First of all, it’s the so-called family profession. My grandfather was also an architect and he seemed to like his profession very much. Secondly, my parents and teachers have noticed that I’m rather good at Maths, at drawing and modeling things. I really like inventing and constructing various objects, so this skill might help to succeed in my favourite profession. I know that it’s not easy to become a highly-demanded professional. But when I think of designing new buildings, I forget about the difficulties. In my opinion, being a good architect one should combine the following traits: creativity, rationality, theoretical knowledge, experience and constant development. The last condition is especially important, because when the architect stops learning about new construction techniques, his works become old-fashioned and uninteresting. Another advantage of this profession is its significance for the society. I’d be happy to work on useful projects, such as renewing the streets and districts of my city. If by some reason my favourite profession will remain only a dream for me, I’ll choose the profession of a vet. However, in my free time I will still draw or create some handmade constructions. 

субота, 3 лютого 2018 р.

02 лютого 2018 для групи 37е!

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Ukrainian Cuisine
The national cuisine reflects the richness of traditions and folkways of Ukrainian people.
The most popular and well-known Ukrainian dish is surely borshch, an aromatic and appetizing cabbage-soup of some 20 ingredients. It may be cooked with beef, chicken or pork, baked beets, beans and mushrooms. Borshch is served as the main course with pampushki, soft rolls soaked in garlic.
Traditional in the Ukrainian menu are varenyky, a type of boiled dumplings with various fillings (cherries, strawberries, fried mushrooms, curd, chopped liver, etc.) and golubtsy — cabbage rolls stuffed with minced meat.
Ukrainian cuisine has a variety of dairy meal as well as sweet pastry, including doughnuts, cakes and other cookies. The proud of Ukrainian people is wheat bread, sweet-smelling and light.
If you have an occasion to be at the Ukrainian home, you will be charmed by the sincere warmth of hosts and homemade food.

1. What does the national cuisine reflect?
2. What is the most popular and well-known Ukrainian dish?
3. How many ingredients are there in borshch?
4. What is the proud of Ukrainian people?
5. What will you be charmed by if you have an occasion to be at the Ukrainian home?

cuisine — кухня
dumpling — галушка
pastry — кондитерські вироби
doughnut — пончик

02 лютого 2018 для групи 76т!

Прочитати, зробити переклад та вивчити слова.   
 Education     in     Great       Britain
  1. The system of education in Great Britain is rather complicated.
  2. It is compulsory from the age of five to sixteen.
  3. Children under 5 years old receive pre-school education.
  4. They go to a nursery school or a kindergarten.
  5. Different areas of Great Britain have different school systems.
  6. All children receive their primary education between the ages of 5 and 11.
  7. Most primary schools are state and free.
  8. At about 11 children begin their education at a comprehensive school, or a grammar school.
  9. The comprehensive system is non- selective.
  10. It means that all children go from one school to another without taking any exams.
  11. Those who take the examination go to grammar schools, where they receive more academic education.
  12. Some children go to independent schools inn by private organizations, for which their parents have to pay fees.
  13. Some pupils especially those who want to apply to university, stay at school for the sixth form or go to a sixth-form college.
  14. About 10 per cent of children attend private schools: preparatory or prep, and public schools.
  15. Many prep and most public schools are boarding schools.
  16. These are schools 'where students live as well as study.
  17. It Is very expensive for parents to send their children there.
  18. Young people in the British schools are expected to show respect to their teachers and obey school rules.
  19. Most primary and secondary schools offer a wide range of extracurricular activities, including sports, music, commu­nity service and trips to places of interest.
  20. Schools in Britain have three terms a year.
  21. Each term has got a short break in the middle.
  22. Besides, children have longer Christmas and Easter holidays.


  1. Pre-school education -  дошкільна освіта (для дітей до 5 років).
  2. Primary education - початкова школа (для дітей віком 5-11 років).
  3. Secondary education - середня школа (для дітей віком 11-16 років).
  4. A nursery school (a kindergarten) - дитячий садочок.
  5. A preparatory (prep) school - приватна початкова школа (для дітей віком 5-13 років).
  6. A public school - приватна школа у Великій Британії (для дітей віком 5-18 років).
  7. A comprehensive school - загальноосвітня  школа у Великій Британії (для дітей віком 11-16 років).
  8. An independent school - загальноосвітня школа, яка знаходиться на утриманні приватної організації.
  9. A grammar school - школа з поглибленим вивченням шкільних предметів.
  10. A boarding school - школа-інтернат, в якому учні проживають протягом семестру. У Великій Британії більшість приватних шкіл є школами-інтернатами.

01 лютого 2018 для групи 37е!

Прочитати, зробити переклад та відповісти на питання після тексту. Вивчити слова.


The English proverb says: every cook praises his own broth. One can not say English cookery is bad, but there is not a lot of variety in it in comparison with European cuisine. The English are very particular about their meals. The usual meals in England are breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner.
Breakfast time is between seven and nine a.m. A traditional English breakfast is a very big meal. It consists of juice, porridge, a rasher or two of bacon and eggs, toast, butter, jam or marmalade, tea or coffee. Marmalade is made from oranges and jam is made from other fruit. Many people like to begin with porridge with milk or cream and sugar, but no good Scotsman ever puts sugar on it, because Scotland is the home of porridge. For a change you can have sausages, tomatoes, mushrooms, cold ham or perhaps fish.
But nowadays in spite of the fact that the English strictly keep to their meals many people just have cereal with milk and sugar or toast with jam or honey.
The two substantial meals of the day are lunch and dinner. Lunch is usually taken at one o’clock. For many people lunch is a quick meal. Office workers usually go to a cafe at this time. They take fish, poultry or cold meat (beef, mutton, veal and ham), boiled or fried potatoes and all sorts of salad. They may have a mutton chop or steak and chips, followed by biscuits and a cup of coffee. Some people like a glass of light beer with lunch. Pubs also serve good, cheap food. School children can have a hot meal at school. Some of them just bring a snack from home.
Tea is very popular among the English; it may almost be called their national drink. Tea is welcome in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening. The English like it strong and fresh made. The English put one teaspoonful of tea for each person. Tea means two things. It is a drink and a meal. Some people have afternoon tea, so called «high tea» with sandwiches, tomatoes and salad, a tin of apricots, pears or pineapples and cakes, and, of course a cup of tea. That is what they call good tea. It is a substantial meal.
Cream teas are also popular. Many visitors, who come to Britain, find English instant coffee disgusting!
Dinner time is generally between six and eight p.m. The evening meal is the biggest and the main meal of the day. Very often the whole family eats together. They begin with soup, followed by fish, roast chicken, potatoes and vegetables, fruit and coffee.
On Sundays many families have a traditional lunch consisted of roast chicken, lamb or beef with salads, vegetables and gravy.
The British enjoy tasting delicious food from other countries, for example, French, Italian, Indian and Chinese food. Modern people are so busy that they do not have a lot of time for cooking themselves. So, the British buy the food at the restaurant and bring it home already prepared to eat. So we can conclude that take-away meals are rather popular among the population. Eating has become rather international in Britain lately.

1. What are the usual meals in England?
2. What time do they have breakfast?
3. What is a traditional English breakfast?
4. What are the two substantial meals of the day?
5. When is lunch usually taken?
6. What does lunch include?
7. Is tea popular among the English?
8. When do they usually have dinner?
9. Do the British enjoy tasting delicious food from other countries?

proverb — прислів’я, приказка
Every cook praises his own broth — присл. кожен кухар хвалить свій власний бульйон; аналог, кожен кулик хвалить своє болото
cookery — кулінарія; готування
variety — різноманіття, розмаїтість
cuisine — кухня, стіл (харчування; кухарське мистецтво)
particular — рідкий, особливий; специфічний
lunch — обід (зазвичай опівдні в середині робочого дня), ленч
porridge — (вівсяна) каша
rasher — тонка скибочка бекону/шинки (для підсмажування)
sausage — ковбаса; сосиска; ковбасний фарш
mushroom — гриб
in spite of — незважаючи на
strictly — пильно, уважно, невсипно
cereal — зазвич. мн. злак; крупа, круп’яний продукт (отриманий із зернових культур)
honey — мед
substantial — поживний (про їжу); істотний, великий
poultry — свійська птиця
beef — яловичина
mutton — баранина
veal — телятина
ham — шинка, окіст
boiled — кип’ячений, варений
fried — смажений
chop — невеликий шматок м’яса, відбивна (котлета)
steak — біфштекс, шматок м’яса/риби (для смаження)
cheap — дешевий, недорогий
snack — легка закуска
tea-spoonful — ціла чайна ложка
tin — бляшана консервна банка; бляшанка
apricot — абрикос
pear — груша
pineapple — ананас
instant coffee — розчинна кава
disgusting — огидний, поганий
roast — печеня; смажений
lamb — м’ясо молодого баранчика
gravy — підлива (із соку печені), соус
delicious — чудовий, вишуканий; дуже смачний
to conclude — зробити висновок
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